Does your estate plan include these 5 essential components?

Discover what every high-earner’s estate plan should include to prevent heartache, headache, and higher-than-necessary tax bills.

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Have you considered the cost of not updating your estate plan?

Over your lifetime, you’ve likely accumulated a significant amount of assets, grown your net worth, and thought about how you’d like to take care of your loved ones after your passing. Estate planning is often a lower priority, yet it’s one of the most impactful things you can do for yourself and your family.

Just imagine, if you were gone tomorrow… Would your kids know who to contact, how to access your accounts, and where to find all relevant documents?

Estate planning does the talking when the time comes you can no longer speak for yourself. Now, let’s make sure it reflects your current financial landscape and final wishes, so you can rest easy knowing your loved ones will always be cared for.

Download our guide, Estate Planning for High-Income Earners, to learn more.

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What You’ll Learn

  • The 5 fundamental components every estate plan should include
  • How to address the 6 biggest estate planning challenges for high-net-worth investors
  • What the upcoming changes to federal estate tax laws are
  • How to protect your estate from risks (including creditors and unnecessary taxes)
  • And more!

Building Legacies, Securing Futures.

Measured Wealth is a trusted financial advisory firm based in Portsmouth, NH. With over 20 years of experience, we provide personalized wealth management solutions to individuals, small businesses, pre-retirees, and retirees. Our team of dedicated advisors is committed to helping clients achieve their financial goals. Visit to learn more.
